Nick is a painter and print maker.
Nick is a ConArt Steering Group member and our contact person for members/performers who want to do their thing in outdoor spaces.
Nick runs The Sunday Jam; this is our open mic session held at ConArt every last Sunday of the month during sunny seasons. Open to any performer, musical or otherwise, and anyone wanting to enjoy the entertainment relaxing on the Front Lawn with a picnic and good company. Free to perform and attend.
Nick is passionate about music and sharing his love of it with anyone keen to stop and chat and have a go. His Gretsch G5120 Electromatic hollow body guitar is quite the head-turner.
"I have painted since childhood, but, like many of my generation, never seriously considered art as a career. Instead I spent a large part of my working life in a professional career. When ill-health led to a reassessment of priorities, what had been an interest and hobby became a more serious endeavour. Largely self taught to that point, I attended painting and print making classes at the Browne School of Art in Auckland to enhance existing abilities and acquire new skills.
"My art is an expression of how I see the world. My paintings are large scale and abstract using shape and colour to capture an idea, emotion or feeling. My prints made using wood and Lino and are a little more representational. My goal in creating work is to evoke a reaction or sensation in the viewer which rewards repeated viewings."
- Nick Brandon, Masterton
Nov 2015 - Artist Studio Collective, Mt Eden Auckland - annual end of year group show
Sep 2017 - Wai Art Sale, Carterton
Jan 2018 - ConArt Gallery & Studios, Masterton
Aug 2018 - Aratoi Into the Blue, a Masterton Art Club group show
Feb 2020 - Under Pressure, Wairarapa Print Makers group show at Aratoi.
