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Angela Minton

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

My first remembrance of Art in my Life was at Fenstanton Junior School, London 1959, standing in front of a large wooden easel in a huge tall windowed classroom. My next was the following Christmas in South Wales. I was sitting at the end of the kitchen's wooden table absorbed in my task of playing with paints, whilst being surrounded by family and noise.

A persistent urging to take up Art had been following me for a while. Taking notice of the prompts, and without a clue about colours, materials and art in general, I entered the delightful hum of expressive art in Jane Sinclair's evening art classes at the Masterton Art Club in 2014. Each class delighted me and awakened my creativity. I found laughter, fun and lovely people.

I moved to a job at Iona College in Hawkes Bay for a couple of years, and joined a small group of beautiful artists at the Kairos Centre for Artistic and Therapeutic Development in Hastings, directed by Margaret Mary Farr. After a year of fun with watercolours, I enrolled in a course called The Heart of Art. I was in the right place as my heart and soul blossomed. I earned my certificate in the Introduction Year to Artistic and Therapeutic Development 2016. There is also a Post Graduate offered so I will one day work towards that.

"Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain." - CARL JUNG

Returning to Masterton in 2017 and quite by chance, a dear friend introduced me to the joy of using alcohol ink on specialized paper. I watched as a dash of solution dispersed the free flowing ink into changing shapes, moody shadows and depth of colour. I've had much pleasure in creating designs on ceramic tiles, creating cards for all occasions, and both large and small framed works of art.

I noticed the therapeutic value of each piece, taking time to study and reflect, further enhancing their meditative quality.

Leading on from the training I did as an Interactive Drawing Therapist in 2008, I wove this therapeutic training into my artwork, and the ‘Tree of Life’ study came into being, which is a sacred and colourful portrayal of a client’s life, unique to them, as it reveals the journey of their life in colour, shape and shadow.

On the eve of Anzac Day 2021,I needed a work to display in my window. In my haste, I outlined a dishevelled Poppy, filled it with Crimson Ink, and GLORY...... the 'Dancing Poppy' range was born. Many love these for their vibrancy and uniqueness. They are shown in several galleries in the Wairarapa.

Once a year I hold an open day at my home .... Angela's Art Gallery @ Home, where locals in the village where I live can have a look. Viewing is also available by appointment.

“In our Life, There is a single colour, as on an Artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of Life and Art..... It is the colour of LOVE." - Marc Chagall 1887 - 1985


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